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Saypro Broiler Chicken For Sale In Thogwaneng Area
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SayPro High Converting Clickfunnels Sales funnel and Landing Page
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SayPro Youth Digital Innovation Forum
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SayPro Classroom Diversity and Inclusion Training Course
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SayPro The Impact of Globalization on Stakeholder Mapping Strategies
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SayPro Use of the hydrogen produced to supply more than one end sector or application in the energy, industry, and transport sectors;
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SayPro Clearly and coherently present the Hydrogen Valley (across the whole value chain including hydrogen production, distribution and storage and end uses) including the investments/actions supported directly by this topic as well as other investments/actions supported by other funding /financing sources [In the context of the topic other investments/actions refer to parts of the hydrogen valley which are necessary to respond to the topic requirements and to deliver a fully functional hydrogen valley but that are not supported with the funding of the Clean Hydrogen JU (e.g. hydrogen production plant supported with national funding or HRS supported with funding from the Connecting Europe Facility – Transport (CEF-T))] which are part of the hydrogen valley to be deployed and demonstrated in line with the topic requirements;
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